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Ziklag Fitness @ Jalan Senang 


Consultation, personal training, and therapy are on an appointment basis only.

For Active Release Techniques with Aldrin, you can book a slot here (Calendly booking link). 


Do note that we only accept Cash/PayNow only

$130 - $150

One to One Personal Training - Senior Trainers

Training packages are sold by packages of 10 sessions, to be completed by 2.5 months.


Session duration: 60 minutes. 

$120 - $130

One to One Personal Training - Junior Trainers

Training packages are sold by: 


  • Package of 10 sessions at $120 per session, to be completed in 2.5 months;

  • Package of 5 sessions at $125 per session, to be completed in 1.5 months; and

  • $130 per session


Session duration: 60 minutes. 

$180 ($90 Per Pax)

Two to One Personal Training

Training packages are sold by packages of 10 sessions at $180 per session, to be completed by 2.5 months.


Session duration: 60 minutes.

$160 - $200

Injury Assessment and Treatment

Injury assessment includes an injury history analysis with static/dynamic postural assessments and palpation techniques to determine extent and type of injury.

$80 - $150

Corrective and Rehabilitative Training

Corrective and rehabilitative training sessions are sold by packages of 3 to 5 sessions, to be completed within an agreed timeline.


Session duration: 60 minutes.


Physical/Functional Assessment

Physical / functional assessment consists of a static as well as dynamic postural assessment. This may be followed by a passive and active muscle length test to check for asymmetries and movement aberrations.

Aldrin Ho
($200 Per Session)

Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft tissue therapy describes the different modalities used in treating the injury. It may include the following:


  1. Active Release Technique (ART) 

  2. Graston technique

  3. Medical massage 

  4. Trigger pointing techniques

  5. Acupuncture

  6. Dry needling 

  7. Facilitated stretching 

  8. Neurokinetic therapy


The results-oriented session is usually between 15 to 30 minutes in duration.


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